Ah, Swallowtail, how I love thee :)
This year I participated in Swallowtail Farm's Spring Festival as a volunteer for the farm and a volunteer for Citizens Co-op. Despite some pretty serious wind and rain, it turned out to be a really wonderful day full of meeting new people and sharing new experiences! I was fortunate enough to help out with the farm-to-table dinner this year, which was amazing. Due to the weather, the Nesbits were gracious enough to host the dinner for 65 at their home. The dinner was cooked by chefs from some favorite local restaurants, Leonardo's 706 (shittake stuffed cabbage), The Top (red and golden beet salad with goat cheese), The Jones (pork or veggie tamales), and Volta (beet-fennel-strawberry-vanilla-cream tartlets). All in all, it was pretty incredible. After the dinner, the festivities continued well into the night. I left close to 11pm.
I've got some lovely pictures of some fantastic produce from the farm if you want to see 'em. :)
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