Today's keywords:
I've been digging deep over the last few weeks, and especially over the last few days while participating in Business As An Artform led by the magical Jesh de Rox. All I can say is that things are a-happenin'. The heart is stirring. I love what I do and I love pouring myself into it and I feel that I am on the edge of immense growth. It's like looking down a mountain path still clouded with the morning's fog... I don't know what's directly ahead, but I'm goin' anyway because the top of that mountain will be beautiful. Who's coming with me? :)
Wanna see where this path has led? Here.
Spread the love! If you think this is neat, share it on the Facebooks!
Apr 13, 2012, 9:19:54 PM
Chris Werner Photography - What a great feeling :)
Apr 12, 2012, 3:44:27 PM
Molly Wade - So excited for you, Kristin! And walking this foggy path right by your side... amazing things ahead!!